Escort Tips: Getting a Confirmed Encounter with Clients

While there are several effective ways of promoting a business or a certain type of service, as well as successfully confirming the appointment, escorts still go through some difficulties in making bookings successful encounters. Finalizing a transaction can be a challenging part for an escort, especially if she is still starting in the business. She does not have the skills yet and she is not too familiar with the ins and outs of how to effectively book an appointment and make it a successful encounter. To consider your booking a successful encounter, you need to get a commitment from your client each and every time they book you.

Escorts can make her client show up for the booked encounter without being too demanding or pushy to him. Making a client confirm a solid appointment and schedule targeted date and time is something new escorts should work out in the long process. Take a look at some of the tips below:
* Speak positively to every client you have.
Most often than not, happy escorts or those women who exude optimism attract more clients compared to those who exhibit negativity with how they communicate. Regardless of what happened in your day, pretend like you have the best day ever in your life once your client is on the phone talking with you. Always wear a smile when you talk. Avoid expressing sarcasm, surliness or even impoliteness because these expressions can imply humiliation for your client. Say only nice words to your client while motivating him to schedule a confirmed encounter with you. The importance of being positive and the results that positivity yields are shown in the extract below:

Knight, a native Houstonian, enjoys the real estate business immensely and takes pleasure in affording each client the utmost respect and excellent service.

Knight’s personal attention to his clientele and their detailed needs has resulted in continued repeat business and on-going direct referrals. His professionalism and patience have made him a Martha Turner Properties Circle of Excellence winner every year since joining the company in 1999 and a member of the Martha Turner Properties Hall of Fame.

“My life is centered around my clients and ensuring smooth transactions, even in this busy market. I love what I do, I love this business and work hard to ensure my clients receive personal attention and their goals are met,” Knight said.

Credits: Premier Agent Spotlight: Wade Knight doesn’t see slowdown in Houston real … –

* Always practice and be prepared enough for future client calls.
Although you do not have any ideas as to when your clients will be calling you, always practice and prepare for a possible call from a prospect client. They say practice makes perfect and this usually is true in the escorting industry. As escorts, you can brainstorm about the types of questions he will be asking you over the phone or the topics he will be discussing with you. On the other hand, you can also research and make a list of valid, good reasons of booking you immediately. Additionally, you can create a standard spiel for an “About Me” part. Make your speech as natural as possible and do not rattle every bit of information you have.
* Do not sound desperate when confirming a scheduled encounter with a client.
If you are an escort and you are still trying to confirm a booking from your client, then you should not sound desperate over the phone. Although you really need money, do not let it influence the way you speak with your clients over the phone. If you offer special discounts, if you sound like begging for his booking, if you share troubles and worries about your escorting work, if you sound like you really need his money to pay your bills, think again and again. That is not considered good business. Try to make yourself sound and look professional over the phone to get a confirmed encounter.


Escorts and the Escorting World

Do you have plans of entering the escort industry? Do you have any idea of the industry you are entering? Is escorting for you?
If you are still making a choice whether or not you should become an escort, then most likely you have a lot of different questions in mind. But one thing is for sure, you are not sure of anything. One of the most infamous reasons girls use when considering the escorting industry is the huge amount that will be earned on a night’s session. It is a sure thing that most escorts in the industry gain a lot of money, but this is not achieved right away. Those girls have worked their butts out in order to achieve their status in the escorting world.
One of your questions may be: “What do escorts really do for a living?”
First and foremost, you are probably questioning what these girls do with their clients during encounters. It is very important that you know the things that are expected from you. Of course, you do not want to be put onto situation thinking that you can only do one thing. You will find out that clients are expecting more from you and they are completely different expectations from one client to another.
The next big question you have in your mind is probably this: “How much money do escorts earn?”
Sometimes, there will be clients who will be asking you about your job preference as an escort. You may give him an answer that could lean towards loving sex or any other nicer sounding reasons. However, the bottom line why you chose to work for the escorting industry is the huge money most girls earn in this type of business. Although there might be other valid and good reasons out there, practically the money you will be earning is relatively bigger compared to a traditional daytime job. With the money earned by girls working in the escorting service, girls will approximately receive more money compared to those girls who work in their offices. Of course, there are several factors that should be considered for bigger earnings such as your physical looks, the city you are in, the days and time you are free, the effort you put into every encounter, and a whole lot other things. But if you are just sitting there waiting for a client to arrive, then you will never earn bigger amounts of cash.
You will also be asking about the safety measures done by escorts.
This is another common question newcomers ask. Definitely, a girl’s safety is a justifiable concern. Once you entered the escorting business, you are also welcoming yourself to all kinds of risks – risks from your abusive clients, risks from law enforcement authorities, risks of having sexually transmitted diseases and etc. Always remember that when you become an escort, everything in your life is put at risk. Some of the risks are highlighted in the extract below:

At Point B, a United Methodist church four blocks and many car honks away, people line up to read the names of women who died while in the life. Forty-three with premature, violent ends: killed by a pimp, killed by a trick, killed by herself or killed accidentally by drug overdose.

The names are read to remember, year after year. The names are read with an unspoken sense of gratitude that the women in the room, so many of them fresh off the streets or decades into their recovery, aren’t on the list.

Jenny takes her turn and remembers “Brenda,” stabbed 52 times and stuffed in a trash can.

Credits: ‘Prostitution literally ate me from the inside out’ – Daily Republic

Be always aware of the risks and be educated, as well as proactive to prevent the worse from taking place.


4 Myths about Escorts Depicted by Movies and TV

The media really creates a great impact to the viewing public. However, we should be able to know by now that it is unfeasible to learn anything by just watching fictional movies or TV series. The escort industry is not an omission to this kind of thing. Escorts and a bit of the industry has been featured in a number of television shows and movies, depicting them with over-dramatized story lines and portrayed as fictional characters. The fact of the matter is that most people do not have the opportunity to know the ins and outs of the industry, because it is misrepresented by the entertainment industry. The misconception of the industry has encouraged some sex workers to band together in attempt to fight the stigma assosciated with being in the industry, as shown in the excerpt below:

SEATTLE, Wash. — Changing the narrative about sex work and battling the stigma associated with the adult industry are among the primary goals behind a series of events that started Friday and culminate Wednesday with a march to Westlake Park to mark the annual International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

Armed with a shoestring budget and the verve of a core group of volunteers, the Seattle chapter of the Sex Worker Outreach Project — known as SWOP — is holding a three-day sex-work symposium to educate the public about consensual sex work, advocate for sex-worker rights and build community among a diverse group of practitioners.

“I hope people who have heard that all sex workers are victims and all sex work is exploitative will see there are other experiences that are drastically different from what they’ve known,” said Savannah Sly, a 30-year-old retired dominatrix and a lead organizer of the symposium. “I hope people will see the adult industry is vast, complex, diverse and not inherently exploitative.

 Credits: Sex workers gather in Seattle to battle stigma – Yakima Herald-Republic


Here are some of the common myths presented by movies:

* All escorts have issues about drugs.
As a whole, the society is assuming that all escorts are using illegal drugs; either they are drug addicts or just habitual users of some controlled substances. On the other hand, although it is true that there are girls in the industry who really use illegal drugs, there are also some girls who do not use such drugs. Additionally, it is also absurd to think that the lives of these girls are entwined with the drug trade. First and foremost, using illegal drugs is a way of dragging attention from law authorities, which is not a wise thing for a smart escort to do.
* Escorts can find the man of their dreams through their clients.
Although love does happen between escorts and their clients, it is just a rare thing. To most girls, it is just a wishful thinking to develop a long-term, personal, and romantic relationship with one of your regular clients. Most clients are already married and they are not willing to leave their spouses for anyone. They just hire services of girls from the escorting industry to avoid emotional embarrassments with real life partners. Some of them just want to enjoy a little pleasant time with another beautiful woman. Generally, finding a successful romantic connection with a client is implausible.
* Escorts do not have happy endings.
Although it is true that some girls in the industry lead their lives into not-so-happy endings, escorts never get fairy tale conclusions for their lives as shown in the movies. The movie industry has been presenting the lives of these hookers to never achieve happy lives. However, the truth of the matter is that girls really do have positive relationships, self esteem, and financial freedom. Most girls are avoiding violent clients and always go all-out for the best life has to offer them.
* Escorts are slow and brainless.
In the movie industry, hookers and other sex workers are always portrayed as unintelligent, thoughtless, and shallow. However, this is really far beyond the truth. Successful girls in the escorting industry are evidences of having smart girls in the industry. They need to have smarts in order to gain success in the escorting world. First and foremost, most clients want a girl who they can talk to and not just a pretty face. Conversations are generally included in encounters, and girls engaging in discussions are more favored by clients.


4 Tips Escorts Should Follow to a Successful Transformation

In today’s generation, a lot of young women have goals of entering the escort industry. These girls have aspirations of becoming high class escorts, but they do not know the concept of the things done to transform into the classy goddess.
As beginners in the escort industry, these women are sometimes naïve and conservative. Generally, they do not know what they are into and where to begin with. For her to completely transform herself, she must change not only her looks, but also her attitude and other aspects of how she acts, behaves, and talks. Here are some tips on how to make transformation not a burden to you:
* Change what you wear: Although your current style of outfit is cute or girly, that is not the look for an escort who wants to appear classy or chic. Dispose any items you have that are flashy, too loud, cheaply made, too short or too long, trashy or overly trend-friendly. Try to collect or purchase outfits that have classy styles with neutral colors and slim cuts. You can include a fitted button-down white blouse, pencil skirts, a great scarf, a flattering cardigan, tailored blazer, little black dress, good pair of shoes, and dark well-fitted jeans.
* Have your hair done: First and foremost, as a future escort, you should determine if your current haircut or hair color is looking good on you. It is just okay to think about your hair color and if it looks fine on you. You can visit a professional stylist and ask some advice from him/her. Additionally, avoid keeping your hair too long, because it can be difficult to manage during an actual sexual encounter. Cut your hair with a shoulder-length bob or any styles that are easily taken care of.
* Make adjustments on your make-up: Adjusting your make-up will create a sharpened image of you as an escort. Although less is usually considered more, as an escort, you should have only some make-up tricks to transform into a professional looking woman. If you are not yet familiar with doing make-up, then consider asking professional make-up artist from proper highlighting to creating a sexy smoky eye. You should also know the best colors that work for your skin. Additionally, you should also avoid using too much make-up as it smudges during an encounter.
* Perfect your posture: As an escort, you should practice the way you sit, walk, and stand as it will say something about you. Keep in mind that making first impressions is important in the escort industry. You can go through magazines and books, as well as the Internet to look for how-to articles and other tips in proper posture. If your budget allows you, then you can consider taking a yoga or ballet class.
Additionally, you can do exercises to help you strengthen your trunk and build your core, all necessary aspects for outstanding posture. Practice walking, sitting, and standing several times per week to perfect your posture.
The extract below provides a few tips on how to improve your posture:


“Get up at least once an hour to go to the bathroom, bust out a quick set of stretches, or get yourself a glass of water,” says Lee. Staying hunched over at your desk can cause bad posture, so any chance you have to move around, take it.


While this may not be possible for everyone, getting a standing desk allows you to stay upright while you’re working and avoid the slouched-over position that’s so detrimental to our alignment. 


By taking up a regular exercise regimen, you can train your body to not only be stronger, but to hold itself up properly. “Be diligent about proper posture while working out so you can train the proper muscles to hold that posture while you are at rest,” says Dr. Matt DeLeva, another chiropractor in Los Angeles


There are many stretches you can do while seated at your desk that incorporate the shoulders, neck, back, and legs. Try a simple hamstring stretch or an easy twist to keep your muscles from tensing up in the same position all day. 


Many yoga poses incorporate back stretches, strengthen your core, and help with relaxation and flexibility. Yoga also helps bring more awareness to your body, which can help you pay attention to how you carry yourself.  


You can have the nicest and most ergonomic chair, but if you are sitting improperly in it, your posture will be affected. “Try lifting your chair or putting a pad under you so that your knees are lower than your hips,” says DeLeva. This will keep the correct curvature in your back and neck. 

Credits: The 6 Things You Need to Be Doing to Fix Your Posture – Bustle


5 Fashion Fixes for Escorts

Life does not always cooperate with what you are planning, especially if you are an escort on the go. Sometimes, you feel that the Universe is against you, giving you many obstructions along the way. But, you do not have to give in and surrender to these obstructions. You can go past through them with some creativity and most of your concerns will be solved. Here are some fast fashion fixes to make your preparation a little easier for you:
1. Busted bra straps are a disappointment. As an escort, the best bra to have is one with supportive bra straps to give your breasts that extra lift.  Depending on the bra, you can fix the strap back up with the use of a staple, safety pin or even a paper clip. On the other hand, there are bras that do not really need straps. You can choose to wear bustier bras to lift your breasts even more. Additionally, once in a while, visit the department store and buy a new bra.
2. Scarves are good accessories in covering up problems. A neutral-colored scarf can help hide the spilled wine on your sexy blouse or any dirt on it. This is a great accessory for a fashion emergency. As an escort, owning a gray, brown or black scarf is a must as it will pattern and go with almost any outfit you wear. They are also handy in various ways, thus being creative is all you need to pull it off. You can also strategically make it a head wrap or headband if you are having a bad hair day.
Due to it’s multifuntional qualities, it is advisable to invest in a good quality scarf as shown in the extract below:
In the fashion world there are scarves, and then there is the scarf. Queen Elizabeth II wore one for her postage-stamp portrait. Jackie Kennedy kept the Nantucket rain off her hair with hers. And when Grace Kelly broke her arm in 1956, she memorably knotted her scarf into a sling. With some squares priced over $2000, this is one of the costliest pieces of silk one can buy—a fact that does not keep the things from floating off the shelf at a rate of two per minute. If you can’t guess what this accessory is by now, you’ll probably never own one. After all, Hermès—France’s most storied luxury brand—doesn’t advertise much, and it hardly needs to advertise its scarves at all. Credits: How the Hermès Scarf Remains an A-List Accessory: By Being Stubbornly French – Adweek
3. Avoid denting a good pair of shoes when it is raining. As an escort, you are most likely to invest in high quality footwear to match with your pretty sexy outfit. However, when it rains or storms, wearing your best shoes are not recommended. Water damage can ruin a good pair of shoes in a permanent manner. On the other hand, wearing alternative shoes would not really match your outfit as an escort. But during these days, fashion experts have invented something that you can consider. You can opt for indestructible PVC flats or pumps that are styled to walk in wet weather.
4. Broken heels can slow down your movement. Almost all escorts have experienced at one time or another having a broken heel on one of their favorite shoes. More often than not, it always seems to be broken at the most unfortunate event where the escort is at a rush. Walking with a broken heel will really lessen your poise, which is an important feature as you are seeing your clients. You can use a super glue to stick back the heel on. If your shoes are black, then you can probably make use of black electrical tape to repair the heels.
5. Avoid running your stockings. Most escorts complain about the limited lifespan of stockings. They run easily as your clients are trying to snag or tear them while caressing your legs. One thing you can do about this is not to wear any stockings at all. If you are confident that you have a flawless legs, then show it off.


The Comedy of An Escort Contract

There are two types of escorts that vie for the patronage of clients: the independents and the ones that work through an agency or agent. Independents are naturally cheaper since it has naturally less operational cost. Escorts would transact with prospective clients themselves either through a network or by fishing out in the open. This manner of doing the trade can be risky to both the escort and the client, whichever has dubious character.
Agency escorts on the other hand are not only more secure, they are also more professional. They enjoy the support of an escort establishment who will often invest in trainings and self-improvement programs to keep their escorts in top-notch form.
In both cases, a client would have to find the escort he/she wants to employ and sign a contract with them or their representative. However, these contracts are very often purely ceremonial. Right after a contract is signed, the clock will at once tick towards the expiration of that service.
Contracts between escorts and clients are important for many reasons and can be utilised for the benefit of both parties, as shown in the excerpt below:
This is not just theory, but hard fact. Barbara G. Brents of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, studied the Silver State’s legal brothels for more than 15 years and found that “employees report that they feel safe, are free to come and go and are bound only by their contract.” In fact, 84 percent of the brothel workers her team surveyed said their job “felt safe,” and no evidence of trafficking could be found.
Legal prostitution wouldn’t simply result in greater safety, but improved health as well. While it’s not well-known, Rhode Island unintentionally legalized prostitution in 1980 as the result of a legal loophole. Between the time a criminal case brought the loophole to public attention in 2003 and when it was recriminalized in 2009, gonorrhea infection among women plummeted by 39 percent, according to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Similarly, reports of rape declined by 31 per cent Credits: ‘Prostitutes Are People, Not Criminals’ by Belle Knox –
This is where the comedy of an escort contact is. The wealthier a client is the more professional an escort can become because he/she would not have to think about the termination of the contract all the time. On the other hand, budget clients will feel the weight of their contract because time limitation can very well make an escort sound or act like tourist guides or pick-up hookers, depending on what service the budget client intended them to render.
For a VIP scene like London escorts however, such a transaction can rarely happen. This is because high-end clients very often know their limits before they make contact and they will set the pace of the transaction themselves. If they require escorts for couples, they will not only say it right away, they will make specific requests on how to go about it. That would give the escort more room to be “professional” and less time to think about the contract.
That would mean that if a client hires escorts in South London because he/she will be staying there, the escort can prepare for him/her right away. Escorts would be more able to use their local access to please a client. This would allow them to engage clients more intimately, using not just her social skills but also her familiarity with the environment they will be in.
Therefore, a poorly conceived escort contract can very well spell doom to an escort-client relationship from the very beginning. Clients must then exercise proper discretion before going ahead with a transaction.



common concerns escorts should conquer


Escorts who have the appropriate mindsets can attain very successful careers in the industry. In order to do that, they should be ambitious enough, very confident, and extremely focused in her profession. Disappointments and failures are never wise preferences to achieve a successful career. As escorts, they should never allow their fears and issues get the better of them.
On the other hand, sometimes it is hard to get rid of some issues as you are starting as an escort. It is just ordinary for women to form some hesitations and anxieties with regard to the different features of the profession. There is some fear built up when you are starting out a new job, whatever job it is. Over time, these fears subside and confidence settles in.
It is important for escorts to defeat such fears and you may look at some of the concerns:
1. Think first about your body or do not think about it at all.
Most women, escorts included for that matter, have some self-loathing relying on how they view their bodies. Usually, they think that their legs are too fat or their breasts are too small. Despite of what the concern is, odds say that you are not satisfied with some parts of your face or body. However, most clients are just contented to be in front of a very gorgeous and hot woman. Once you get your dress worn out, any negative concerns you have with your body will be eliminated.
2. Your health is always your responsibility.
As escorts, you meet up with various types of clients and you do not know if your client has a sexually transmitted disease, then you must be very careful about your health. If you are really scared about having STDs, then you should do a little research about the disease and practicing safety measures. Most girls in the industry are smart enough to use condoms to avoid being infected with any disease connected to sex. Always perform a monthly check up with your local clinic and observe safe sex. Plesase as always remember that whatever happens with you and the client is between two consenting adults and has nothing to do with the agency who just book time
Here is an excerpt on a few safety tips:

Thielen Student Health Center distributed over 83,000 condoms on campus last year in efforts to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, otherwise known as CDC, some STD's do not show symptoms, so it may be hard to tell if someone is infected.


Students should make STD testing a routine part of their healthcare, said Brian Vanderheyden, program coordinator at Thielen Student Health Center.

“Make sure you are doing that every 6 months or so,” said Vanderheyden.

The best treatment for an STD would be the prevention of such diseases.

“We advise safe sex,” said Dr. Ricardo Arbulu at McFarland Clinic.

Abstinence would be the best way to prevent an STD. If abstinence isn’t possible, condoms would be the best way, Arbulu said.

If you don’t have access to condoms, prevention services is here to help.

 Credits: Tips on deal with STIs and STDs – Iowa State Daily

3. Your money is always your accountability.
Unlike any traditional day-time jobs where you get paid on a regular basis, escorting may build up really good economic season, along with really bad ones. As an escort, you may deal with slow months where you come up short with your budget. At other times, you may earn a huge amount of money at certain months. Business is not always constant and you need to be prepared in advance. Escorts who efficiently manage their money can be equipped and all set, especially when you are approaching slow months. If you are good in handling your money, the escorting business will work well for you.
4. Encounters are not dates.
A lot of escorts get good lucks with their first few clients. They may meet up with charming, good-looking clients who are deceptive. Additionally, handsome clients do not appear as very skilled with women. As a girl working in the industry, you should learn to accept such type of clients. Do not expect that your clients are like male models.

Prostitution in olden Times


There are accounts that have noted prostitution as the oldest profession in the world. Without a doubt, it has always been a typical method for women to earn cash, even during the Bible years. According to the Bible, prostitution is an immoral act.
In Proverbs, prostitutes, call girls or escorts were characterized through the phrases, “For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end, she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death and her steps lay hold of hell.” Even in the time of God, He already has forbidden any man who involves himself with prostitutes. God knows that when a person engages himself or herself with a prostitute, it can be harmful to both men and women’s moral being.
Although religion is now realising the modern world and helping people stay on the right path
SEX used to be a sacred subject among Christians but some churches have turned a new leaf as they now openly discuss it without restraint.

A survey conducted by B-Metro revealed that churches believe discussion of sex helps in lessening the escalating cases of divorce.

A pastor with Living Waters International, Ephraim Moyo, said sex education has helped in highlighting the importance of a healthy life style.

“We group members of the church in their relevant fellowships such as youths, young adults, young couples and old couples. A message would be tailor-made to suit the needs of the fellowships.

“Furthermore, it has helped congregants in making sound decisions regarding their sexual life style. The information that we teach them helps them to be equipped on matters of reproductive health.” Credits: Zimbabwe churches turn to sex education – Bulawayo24

The Effect of Prostitution to Married People
As what we know today, sex trade workers such as escorts, prostitutes and call girls are part of the factors destroying the commitment of a married couple. It can further ruin families and lives of people who get involved with them. In addition, prostitution devastates the human being’s soul and spirit. As a result, it leads to death of a person’s spirituality.
According to the Bible, it is God’s desire that purity remains in our body and soul. In Corinthians, it is said that the human body was not created to function for sexual immorality, but for the Lord only. Our bodies must be used as tools for the glory of His kingdom.
God’s Forgiveness To Prostitutes
Even though the acts of sex trade workers like escorts, prostitutes or call girls are considered sinful in the eyes of the people and God, they can still be forgiven by Him. In the Bible, God even made a prostitute as an instrument to fulfill one of His great plans. The prostitute was obedient to God and as a result, she and her entire family were blessed and rewarded by God.
There were other prostitutes in the Bible who were forgiven and cleansed by God. In return, those women served Him through recognizing Him for who He is. In Luke, God accepted the regret and repentance of the prostitute, as well as the worshipping made by the “immoral” woman.
Prostitutes, escorts, or call girls and other sex trade workers are just like any other ordinary people. They also have the chance to be given forgiveness, salvation and an eternal life from the Creator. In addition, they have the opportunity to be cleansed from the sins they have committed just like any other people. In Corinthians, it is said that in order to start living with God, all a person can do is to turn away from doing his/her sinful acts.

Escort Tips: Choosing Makeup Removers for Sensitive Face


Makeup kits are already part of an escort’s life. A makeup is an escort’s assistance when it comes to enhancing her natural beauty to become more appealing to clients. However, no matter how much escorts love putting on makeup, removing it at the end of a day’s work is also important.
Beauty experts say that removing makeup is more important compared to wearing it the entire day. Leaving the makeup on an escort’s face overnight can actually create acnes, pimples and other breakouts. Before identifying the best cleanser for your skin type, it’s always wiser to primarily identify the makeup remover that’s best for your needs as an escort.
A makeup remover is definitely though of carefully, especially when you’re an escort with a sensitive skin. You should not just pick and buy any makeup remover you find at beauty shops. When you choose any beauty product and apply it on your face or skin, the probable result is that you’ll get burns, rashes or itches and you don’t want that.
As an escort, you have to know that there are some makeup removers that really worsen sensitive skin. Even though makeup removers can really break up makeup and pull out oil, dirt and other microbes in your skin, it’s unavoidable that removers interact with your skin when rinsing off.
Chemicals, exfoliating products and home-made makeup removers can irritate a sensitive skin. It’s certain that they’ll remove your makeup, since they’ll be stripping off your skin by doing the process. Even though peeling off bogged and dead skin cells can make you feel refreshed, it’s not the same result when talking about your sensitive face. It will just cause burns and irritations on your face, instead of improving your face.
Another makeup remover ingredient to avoid is alcohol. It removes some layers of dead skin cells, which keep moisture in. If you have cracks in that layer, it’s already burned by the alcohol. A lot of makeup removers contain alcohol, which is why it’s quite difficult to avoid it. If you’re an escort with a sensitive skin, your primary problem would be frequency. You can use a makeup remover with alcohol as ingredient once a day. If it’s used more than two times within the day, then it can result to irritation or rashes.
As a sidenote the way you eat also  helps as this article illustrate:

While we strongly recommend adding “Eat Pretty” to your reading list, here's an excerpt with five healthy beauty tips so that you can enjoy the last days of summer.

1. Eat pretty — and cool. Water-rich beauty foods like watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, celery, watercress, lemons and coconut water keep your body cool when it's sweltering outdoors. They're also natural diuretics, so you'll be slim and free of bloat when it's time to put on a bikini.

and a great pair of UV-filtering sunglasses.

 Credits: 5 Healthy Beauty Tips To Enjoy The Last Days Of Summer – Huffington Post

There are several makeup removers that escorts buy that has anti-aging ingredients. For instance, a makeup remover contains antioxidant vitamin A and alpha hydroxy acids. You should not use those makeup removers because they can burn skin, even if you have a normal type of skin. Others cause irritations and can really hurt the skin, especially when an escort has sensitive skin.
In order to avoid irritations, rashes or burns on your sensitive face, make sure that you look at the ingredients of your chosen makeup remover. It’s also recommended that you consult with a beauty expert when it comes to choosing the best makeup remover for a sensitive skin.

What escorts can do when a client brings a firearm


In some places or countries, citizens have the right to carry a concealed weapon. As a result, it is probable that an escort can experience an encounter with a client who has a hidden weapon. And since carrying a concealed firearm is not illegal(in the usa), you will have to look for ways in handling such type of client:
Most escorts in other countries do not encounter this as carrying guns is mosly illegal as per this excerpt from this escort in Holland
First of all not a lot of people have guns in Holland to begin with. The policies around guns are much tougher than for instance in the U.S., so not many people in Holland even own a gun to begin with. Secondly, most of the people that visit the Red Light District in Amsterdam, are tourists, and they simply don't carry any guns with them, since they wouldn't get passed customs with it.
So fact is that not many people have guns to begin with, and those who do, need a permit for it with some very strict rules about it. It's one of the reasons Holland has such a low crime rate compared to the U.S. (learn from that America!), if you don't have a gun, you can't kill or threaten people with it.
Of course there might be some underground criminals who own guns, but in my 4 years of time working in the Red Light District in Amsterdam, getting all kinds of customers, I've never met someone with a gun. It simply doesn't happen. So it's not like people run here on the streets with guns or something
Credits: Behind the Red Light District: Prostitution, drugs and guns
1. As an escort, you should know how to identify a hidden firearm. Most often than not, people who are carrying weapons give off indications that will provide hints that they have a weapon with them. It can be really helpful for you to have the ability to recognize if your client arrives with a gun or any weapon with him during your encounter.
2. You can create your own policy with firearms for clients. Although you are located in a place where carrying weapons are allowed, you can still establish your own policy when the client is in your private property, especially during in-call. In addition to this, you can also set up general rules and guidelines for all clients, even if it is an in-call or out-call. If you have an escort profile online, then you can include it in your information. You can also tell your client about your rules and guidelines, and try to highlight the carrying of weapons if you know that he is engaged in such a practice.
3. Require clients to leave all of their weapons outside. If you permitted your client to bring his weapon to your encounter, then you should persist that they leave it outside or at the door. By putting their weapons at the door or outside, then they are far away from doing any kind of harm with the use of their weapons. The gun or any kind of weapon should be not within the reach of the client in case a fight arises between the two of you.
4 why not check here. Take away the ammo or clip from your client’s weapon. As an escort, you have the right to ask your client to disarm himself once he arrives. However, there are still clients who do not listen and still carry the weapon with them during encounters. Although you have asked him to disarm himself, it still does not disable him from using his weapon. Putting the weapon down on safety still does not lessen that fact that it is a threat that can be used against you. To be sure that it won’t be used against you, take away the ammo or clip from the client. Without ammo, the weapon will not function and it won’t be a threat anymore. Put the ammo far away from the gun and make sure that you are the only one who knows its location. Moreover, make sure that the client is not bringing extra ammo or clips with him.