Just like any other people who get scammed online, escorts are likely to get scams too. A lot of scams are targeting the smaller niches like social escorts and male courtesans. On the contrary, a lot of scams promote to their victims through telling that providers of any age, beauty or gender are increasingly in demand and has a widespread market waiting for them. But the fact is that clients hardly ever outnumber call girls.
An example of how escorts can fall victim to scams can be found in the extract below:
A man who tricked a sex worker into giving him free sex has pleaded guilty to a rape charge just before his trial was due to start.
Akis Emmanouel Livas, 51, was due to face trial in the ACT Supreme Court on Monday for scamming the self-employed sex worker out of $850 for sexual services.
Livas initially had sex with the woman in October 2010, but didn’t have enough money to pay the entire fee.
He promised to pay the outstanding $50 on his next visit, which he booked later that month at a price of $800.
But instead of paying the woman, he handed over a sealed envelope.
She went to check for the money, but, according to court documents, he said:
“No, no, no, don’t open it now, it’s – you have to trust me on this, it’s part of my fantasy that it’s all about the romance and I need you to trust me.”
Livas, however, had lied. The envelope simply contained a card with a folded-up paper bag inside, designed to give the appearance of money.
Credits: Man who tricked prostitute into sex pleads guilty – The Canberra Times
How should an escort avoid getting scammed? Let us look at some things to look for when you are entering the escorting world:
* If there is an opportunity that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
When there is an advertisement that states women are looking for men to have sex with, and they will be charging men for the pleasure, this is simply not true. Common sense would tell an escort that it’s not the case. In addition, some agencies that promote for social providers simply accompany men to dinner or a special event etc. Even though this is a part of an escort’s services, other duties are commonly part of the encounter as well.
* Do not get caught up with escort agencies or sites that provide or market to escorts more than they do to clients.
Authentic agencies have an adequate number of call girls on their lists and then look for clients. On the other hand, scam agencies say that they have willing, able and ready client who are just waiting for a call girl to come to him. Do not ever fall for this trap. Clients are never in excess over the number of call girls. In addition, closely asses the websites to make sure that you are going to the right direction.
* Spend very little money up front.
Some agencies who are just scams will say that you must use up money in order to earn money. Even though this may be true at some level, it’s not completely true to the degree that they want you to think about. You may have to buy personal supplies like condoms and make-up, accessories and clothing, as well as quality photos. But, as an escort, you never have to pay your agency any fees, commission or other inclusion fees, to become one of their elite courtesans. Do not participate in any agency that involves you to make payments.
* Do not fall for auditions.
Some escorting agencies are using audition scams just to get free sex from an aspiring escort. They are setting up an audition with the so-called manager of the agency, a regular client or a male courtesan. If you pass this so-called audition, they will be taking you as one of their elite courtesans. Do not ever fall for this. Remember that legit and real agencies are not requiring any woman or man to have auditions. An interview with your clothes on is an enough aspect in determining if they will be accepting you as an escort.