Ordinarily, most clients book escorts who are much younger compared to them. However, it is not uncommon at all seeing a young man seeking the services of a mature escort. I am one of these men. Unlike my peers who think that young escorts are the top of the game, I personally prefer mature escorts because I find them sexier and more sophisticated. And in case you are wondering, I have no mommy issues. It is just the way things are. You know…like the way some people prefer chocolate while others prefer ice cream… If you are wondering why a young man like me would rather go after a MILF and not an escort who could easily pass as a high school girl, here are my reasons…
Nothing surprises or shocks a mature escort.
Throughout her days in the escorting industry, she has heard and listened to every plea, request and excuse used by her clients. Nothing shocks or surprises her. She was probably already in the industry long before you were born and she has seen it all. Experience has taught her better that her clients can be unpredictable. Because she expects everything unexpected, she rarely gets caught off guard or phased out. If you want to experience a new fetish, she will be there to guide you throughout it all. No matter how dark your fetishes are, she will not judge you or think less of you. She has met so many like you before and she knows that clients have a lot of layers to them.
They are experts and masters on what they do.
Experience is said to be the best teacher, right? If you wanted to learn about something new, would you go to a veteran or to a newbie? Mature London escorts have been escorting for much longer compared to the younger broads who may have joined the industry just recently. They are highly discreet which means that you can pour your dirty secrets to them without fear of being exposed. With her many years of experience, a mature escort can read you the way you can read a book. They know what indicators and pointers they should look for in order to determine if they are satisfying their client. With her expertise, she will give you new wonderful sensations that you have probably never experienced.
Mature escorts are kinder and more compassionate.
Over the years, mature escorts have gathered enough patience and empathy. If you are shy and inexperienced, or insecure and hesitant, she can patiently entice you to get out of the shell you have encased yourself in for some great experience. They are not like most young escorts who are extremely impatient with no time for amateurs.
A great learning experience.
By seeking the services of mature escorts, I have learnt a few tricks from them that have helped me in improving my game. The problem with most young men is that they think they know and have it all. You never know how wrong you are about this until you meet a MILF who knows what should go where when and why. A mature escort has spent her many years in the industry learning new things every new day. She knows how to make it mutually pleasing and satisfying. She knows what works and what should never be tried because it does not work! Compared to her younger counterparts, her knowledge of the male anatomy is massive. She knows the location of every erogenous zone. Trust her to bring back to life nerves that you never previously thought you possessed.
Mature escorts are just sexy!
The fact that they may sport a few wrinkles and have breasts that may not be as perky and firm as they were once does not hinder their sex appeal. Their unabashed levels of confidence, sense of humor and comfort in their own body is enough to blow away any young and hot-blooded heterosexual male!
More grounded and realistic.
Unlike young escorts, mature escorts are not as petty and they are not easily offended. They are good at putting up with a client, no matter how much of a pain the client is!
Helps boost your confidence.
Mature escorts appreciate your youth better. They complement you on your amazing body looks as they praise your virility and stamina, unlike younger ones who take the beauty of youth for granted.