Escorts view on celebirty porn


Eve London escorts is here again with our “escorts view” the world that is celebrity porn. Now London escorts know porn is the most prestigous in the adult entertainment history. However if normal porn that escorts in London can star in are seen as your average hit movie. Celebrity porn is the summer blockbuster of them all.
Ever since paris hilton hit our streams the world of porn has no longer been underground, London escorts has the view that this is when it totally blew up. Every mama and their dog knew about porn even if they pretended not to.
There have been a few over the years that the world has had to sit up and notice, first as London escorts said before was Paris hilton, another was kim Khardasia, Tilla and then now we have the beautiful miss Farrah Abraham who is sexing it up with James Deen. These sex movies bring in an enormous amount of money for the porn industry. The Farrah Abraham sex tape brought in half a million dollars in a few short days as per this snippet from vivid

An exec for the porn company Vivid admitted:

“I think that we’re dealing with several issues. The one that most people talk about is the amount of free content on the Internet and how to deal with that… One of the things that we did decide to do is work with celebrity sex tapes. What we did is we leased a celebrity sex tape with Farrah Abraham and we took a five minute clip and put it onto one of the three sites. And as a result of that, they had 12 million views of that five-minute clip within the first 10 days… which equated to $500,000 in sales… The one thing about celebrity sex tapes is they don’t fall into any sort of schedule. Sometimes it’s two or three in a row and then not any for a year.”

Wow!! We had no idea Farrah’s vagina was creating so many jobs!!!

Keep up the good “work”, gurl, LOLz!!

via Farrah Abraham’s Vagina Is Single-Handedly Saving The Porn

As you see London escorts knows that sex is a thing that will be in our lives for millions of years and while there is money in it there will always be porn. Sexy escorts in London can only dream of the money that is being made by seeing their beautiful body as an asset on the silver screen. As the porn actress life expectancy is so short this is why us Eve escorts in London will hustle hard to get there. After all we Eve girls believe that our sexiness should be shown to the whole world.
An article by Eve escorts London

The difference between a London escorts and a prostitute


There is certainly a lot of confusion regarding the difference between prostitution services and also take providers. A lot of people believe that a great companion plus a prostitute are identical. In some sensory faculties it can be said to be exactly the same, however a good escort is regarded as significantly for an amusement purpose. Understanding the differences between the two will give you a clear view of who a prostitute is and who an escort is. The following are the main different between the two.


Prostitutes are usually approached specifically for fulfilling sexual desires while escorts are known to be very beautiful women and handsome men who their specific job is to entertain their clients. This means that Escorts are more respected than Prostitutes.


Another difference is that Escorts in London are known to escort people to different places. However, most London escorts don’t just escort their clients as expected. They end up having sex with those clients to earn more money. This is because each individual has his or her own needs and depending solely on escorting a client they may fail to meet their personal needs and as such they end up having sex to meet these needs as it gives them more money.


When differentiating the two a London escorts is known to be very classy compared to a prostitute. This means that they are paid more than prostitute. Ideally these companions are being paid for having a sexy and exciting look and to follow their clients to different places, on the other hand prostitutes are only paid for sex and they don’t accompany anyone to any place.

Many countries are changing their laws to squeeze prostitution out like switxerlnd in the article below


The Swiss parliament voted Tuesday to raise the legal prostitution age from 16 to 18, tightening the country’s liberal sex-trade laws to bring them in line with European standards.

The lower house of parliament voted to change the Swiss penal code to make it illegal to pay for sex with a minor, following suit after the upper house adopted the bill.

Until now, paying for sex with people above 16 — the legal age of consent in Switzerland — was legal in the small Alpine country.

via Switzerland decides 16-year-old girls can no longer be prostitutes

The difference however subtle it may seem is a very wide difference. One is being exploited while the other is not.


Article by Eve escorts