Reasons Why Escorts Usually Say No To New Clients
Just like ladies turn down their suitors, escort girls can also say no to clients, usually to new clients. Escort service is a business, and escorts encounter same business problems that other personal service business owners face everyday, be it online or personal client meetings. Like professional business owners, escorts assess their clients and come up with decisions to make deal or decline clients for various reasons.
I asked some London escorts I know and I come up with a short list of common reasons why they say no to new clients. Here’s what east London escorts and west London escorts has got to say:
1. My gut instinct says no.
2. He didn’t treat me in a courteous manner.
3. He asked for services I don’t do.
4. He haggles.
5. He wants me to invest more time with him without sure financial commitment on his end.
Most of the London escorts I asked see turning down clients as a gift to themselves. One of the reasons for turning down clients is further explained in the extract below:
Neither McLane nor Gunther worries too much about safety, saying they go with their gut when getting to know a client.
“I go by how I feel when I speak to a person,” McLane says. “It goes off my vibes. I’ve left a few situations because it hasn’t been the most comfortable environment. So far I’ve been a pretty good judge of character.”
Gunther concurs, saying, “Especially when I was beginning this work, I just talked myself down from all that [concern about safety] and instead used my intuition and trusted people. I find that my clients are great guys who just basically want to have a good time.”
They know their value and they price themselves for it, which also means increasing the chances of good and successful appointments in the future, making them feel better about their work and their companion.
They say spending time with unbefitting clients only isn’t an enjoyable experience, and frustrates them both mentally and physically. They may not earn money from rejecting clients, but for them, it is worth than getting a bad review from not getting along with clients, or getting assaulted or ripped off.
For escorts to satisfy their clients, they should first feel happy with the company of the gentleman. Obviously, happy and satisfied clients come back, improving the chances of repeat clients. And having a good repeat rate from satisfied clients equates to growing business, which obviously makes the escort even happier. The idea is simple – it’s about making a self-perpetuating success cycle.