Now that you know how to game escorts and make them fall for you it is time to know how to date one. And today you will know the tips on dating these hot chicks. It does not matter if she is one of the Essex escorts, Eve escorts or the cheap London escorts. These tips will allow you to make a great romantic and sexual relationship with her no matter what.
One has to understand that escorts are the not your typical girls. This means that common dating methods are not that effective on them.
Do not play the rich guy
Escorts are used to wealthy clients. So playing the rich guy will not do you any good with one. So going on an expensive date is a big no. Showing her that you are rich will just make her treat you as her cash cow. So offer her more than just the contents of your wallet to make her see you more as a lover.
Take her your favourite local spots
This one is quite risky. But if your favorite places in the area are mostly places she had never been to then bringing her there is a great move. Even Essex escorts have places in Essex that they have not seen or even heard of. It is also a great opening for a story to share with her.
Less formal dining and more outdoor fun
Even cheap London escorts are very familiar with formal parties and fine dining. So minimize such activities when dating an escort. Take her on a picnic because I am quite sure she rarely does that with any man when she is working. Let her experience things that focus more on living than the stuff we own. This should be breath of fresh air for her and make her long for you more.
Get to know her more on every date
Most escort clients do not care about the escort. This is primarily due to the business transaction going on. But you are not in one when you are dating bond escorts or Essex escorts. So get to know the person you are spending time with. Ask her about herself but not everything in one date. Learn to break down the process into several dates. She will love you more for it.
When having sex, make it worthwhile
You do not have to end every date with sex. But when one does be sure to have sex with your escort date like there is no tomorrow. Great sex is a proven way to make any woman fall for you and stay in love with you.
Remember these tips when you date cheap London escorts, bond escorts or even Essex escorts. These are proven to make turn any date with an escort a worthwhile one. So remember this list once you have sealed a date with a hot escort to help you prepare for it and turn her into your girlfriend. Better yet, turn her into one of your girlfriends.